Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Lotus Notes és Domino 8.0.1

Amint az Ed Brill blogjában olvasható, 2008. Február 20-án megjelent a Lotus Domino és Notes 8.0.1 verzió. Az Interneten elérhető a vonatkozó Info Center, amelyben a Lotus Traveler is szerepel. Az IBM bejelentése szerint 2008. május 16-tól elérhető lesz a magyar verzió is.


Horváth András said...

Lotus Traveler

Lotus Notes Traveler

Today's workforce is increasingly on the go. Businesses of all sizes are looking for ways to help their mobile workers be more productive-anytime, anywhere.

IBM® Lotus® Notes® Traveler software provides mobile support for IBM Lotus Notes and IBM Lotus Domino® Web Access users. It provides automatic, real-time replication of Lotus Domino e-mail (including attachments), calendar, address book, journal and to do lists. It supports access from Microsoft Windows Mobile 5 and 6 devices and will work over all wired and wireless connections.

Imagine how this software could help your mobile workers respond to the needs of your business more quickly, while continuing to leverage your existing investment in Lotus Domino software.

Choose the data you want delivered to your mobile device

View the screenshot

View your inbox on your mobile device

View the screenshot

Use Lotus Notes addressing -- in addition to standard Internet addressing -- in your email

View the screenshot

Receive alerts on upcoming meetings on your calendar

View the screenshot

Learn more
Obtaining Lotus Notes Traveler software

To be eligible to obtain entitlement to a license of Lotus Notes Traveler software, customers must possess a license and an active software maintenance contract for any one of the following software products.

* Lotus Notes 8.0.1 for Messaging
* Lotus Notes 8.0.1 for Collaboration
* Lotus Domino Web Access 8.0.1 for Messaging
* Lotus Domino Web Access 8.0.1 for Collaboration
* Lotus Domino Messaging Express 8.0.1
* Lotus Domino Collaboration Express 8.0.1

Eligible entitlement also requires the deployment of at least one Lotus Domino 8.0.1 server instance in a production environment.

Eligible customers may request entitlement to Lotus Notes Traveler software here. An eligible customer who downloads Lotus Notes Traveler is entitled to support under the same terms and conditions as the support provided for the selected product above, for as long as such customer has an active software maintenance contract for the selected product.

Horváth András said...

Mail quota kijelzése Lotus Notes kliensben? Régen vártunk erre a szolgáltatásra és most itt van. Ma este felraktam a Lotus Notes 8.0.1 klienst, és láss csodát! Próbáljátok ki ti is.