Thursday, 27 October 2011

"Levelezés közel s távol" - Microsoft

Az Interneten, az alábbi URL címen elérhető Microsoft esettanulmány érdekes információkat tartalmaz. Megint az  véleményem, hogy az ismeretek igen erős hiánya jellemzi az írást, illetve régi Lotus verziókat hasonlítanak a legújabb Microsoft termékekhez. Valaki szóljon már nekik, hogy nem a Lotus Notes 6.5 a legújabb kiadás. Sajnálom, hogy arra sem képesek, hogy utánanézzenek, mit tudnak termékeink.

Mellesleg azt is elfelejtik megemlíteni ügyfeleiknek, hogy a világ kezd eltávolodni a levelezőkliensektől (lásd Facebook kultúra) és halad egy másik világ felé, amit a Microsoft Outlook még hírében sem támogat.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Lotus Notes 8.5.3 social collaboration with IBM Connections Demo

További közösségi szolgáltatások extra költség nélkül a Lotus Notes-ban

Lotus Notes és Domino 8.5.3 vagy újabb verziók használói jogosultak az IBM Connections files és profiles moduljainak használatára, amelyekkel újabb, értékes szolgáltatások érhetők el a Lotus Notesban, extra költségek nélkül.

Az eredeti bejelentésben ez olvasható:

"Entitlement to IBM Connections Files and Profiles, for no additional charge, allows you to tap into the knowledge of networks of professionals with a single click. This helps users to quickly find skills within their organization and to easily share content with other people and remove the need to send large files through email."
"Jogosultság az IBM Connections Files és Profiles moduljaihoz, további költségek nélkül lehetőséget ad Önnek, hogy egy kattintással hozzáférjen szakértői hálózatok ismereteihez. A modulok segítségével a felhasználók gyorsan megtalálják a szervezeten beüli szakértelmet, egyszerűen megoszthatnak tartalmakat másokkal, elkerülve a nagyméretű fájlok levelezőrendszereken keresztüli továbbítását."

Megjelent a Lotus Domino/Notes 8.5.3

2011. október 4-e óta letölthető a legújabb verzió, amely számos újdonságot kínál.

Újdonságok a Lotus Notes kliensben
  • Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.3 includes entitlement to the IBM Connections files and profiles components adding significant capabilities to help clients become a social business
  • Enhanced new mail notification which optionally provides a pop up preview (containing both sender and subject) of new mail messages as they arrive.
  • Improved sorting on email subject content that ignores the "Re:" and "Fw:" prefix, from reply & forward respectively, providing a more accurate sorting of your data.
  • A new option to search by sender or subject available when you right click an email.
  • Optionally leave countered meetings on your calendar. Allow countered meetings to show up in a unique color, with the time the meeting was originally scheduled for as well as maintaining the ability to act on the original calendar invite and with hover text indicating the new proposed time.
  • Optionally notify existing invitees when adding or removing attendees from an existing meeting, informing them of the change and updating the invitee list on their calendar invitation, as well as other options which negate the need for a user to process any meeting updates for anything other than a change in time, eg. a reschedule.
  • Significant improvements to recent contacts, allowing end users more control over who gets added to recent contacts and improved data integrity.
  • Geographic and time zone information is be displayed in the business card.
  • Apple Mac usability improvements for e-mail gestures include the ability to drag one or grouped files to the Lotus Notes icon on your dock, and a new mail message will be created with those files attached.
  • Embedded IBM Sametime is upgraded to V8.5.1 with an incremental installer to IBM Sametime 8.5.2, and embedded IBM Lotus Symphony is upgraded to V3.0.
  • Additional platform support includes RHEL 6.0 Desktop, Citrix XenApp 6.0, and enhanced 64-bit toleration for Microsoft Windows.
  • Added ability to remove signature file from a thread
Újdonságok a Traveler-ben
  • Enhancement for Apple iOS devices include partial wipe (Lotus Notes Traveler data only) as introduced in V8.5.2.3, forward and reply icon indicators set on the mail server and selective application synchronization.
  • Added support for Nokia Symbian^3 smartphones with device encryption enforcement capabilities and rich HTML rendering of email.
  • Numerous usability enhancements for Android devices including tap-to-dial from calendar entries, enhanced installation, calendar week view with subject hints, multi-line mail signature and selectable text for copy/paste operations.
  • Broadened support for the Android platform to include Android 3.x tablet devices (introduced in, in addition to smartphones.
  • The new Device Approval security policy allows administrators to specify the number of devices allowed per user, and includes an allow/deny step to further control access to the environment.
  • Corporate Lookup function extended to look up Group names and Mail-in databases in addition to individuals.
Újdonságok a Lotus Domino-ban
Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.3 includes entitlement to the IBM Connections files and profiles components adding significant capabilities to help clients become a social business
Újdonságok az iNotes-ban
  • Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.3 includes entitlement to the IBM Connections files and profiles components, adding significant capabilities to help clients become a social business.
  • Added support for the latest web browsers including Mozilla Firefox 5, Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, Apple Safari 5 interoperability with browser native XSS protection, and Google Chrome 12.
  • Streamlined user experience through significant improvements in the auto-processing of meeting updates.
  • Current document maintains focus during sort and search operations.
  • Elect to not expand personal group when sending.
  • Delivers IBM Sametime 8.5.2 Ajax proxy integration which continues to provide integrated presence awareness to Lotus iNotes with better performance and richer features:
    * Rich chat
    * Updated contact list
    * Business card

  • Support for a mail delivery option to not expand personal groups when sending messages.
  • Improved sorting on email subject content that ignores the "Re:" and "Fw:" prefix, from reply & forward respectively, providing a more accurate sorting of your data.
  • Support for all calendar alarm preferences.
  • Improved usability through a larger default font size.
  • Policy updates that provide support for per-user customizations and policy-controlled Lotus Sametime 8.5.2 Ajax Proxy web client integration.

Lotus Domino Designer 8.5.3 díjtalan letöltés

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

xPages Chifforobe / xPages ruhásszekrény

xPages Chifforobe