Thursday, 17 December 2009

Az IBM bejelentette a Sametime 8.5 verziót

2009. december 15-én az IBM hivatalosan is bejelentette a Sametime 8.5 verziót. A bejelentés szerint a Sametime Entry és Standard verziók 2009. december 22-től lesznek elérhetők az ügyfelek és partnerek számára. Néhány újdonság:
  • A new online meeting experience that is integrated into the IBM Lotus Sametime Connect client. Join a meeting with a single click. Easily invite others by dragging their names from the contact list. Accept meeting invitations with a single click. Upload meeting materials via simple drag and drop.
  • New zero-download, browser-based chat and meeting clients that extend the desktop experience to wherever the user is working.
  • A new standards-based audio and video infrastructure that enables interoperability with third party audio and video conferencing systems.
  • New audio and video codecs that provide higher quality native voice and video services for a more compelling collaborative experience out-of-the-box.
  • New Web 2.0 APIs that let developers embed Sametime capabilities into Web sites and applications so users switch context less.
  • A new, browser-based Apple iPhone chat client, support for the Blackberry Storm, and an improved mobile client for Microsoft® Windows® Mobile devices.
  • New social views that make it easier to find the people you collaborate with the most.
  • A new System Console that centralizes infrastructure configuration, deployment, management, and policy management for all Sametime services.
  • New upgrade options if you have basic Sametime services from other IBM offerings.

Az IBM angol nyelvű bejelentése
Sametime blog az Interneten

Lotus Symphony telepítése Microsoft System Center Config Managerrel

"Automating IBM Lotus Symphony deployments using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager" címen jelent meg egy  leírás. Mindazoknak fontos, akik keresik a Lotus Symphony automatikus telepítésének lehetőségét. Várnék visszajelzéseket a gyakorlati tapasztalatokról ,legfőképpen a testreszabott, magyarított telepítés lehetőségéről.